
Monday, September 3, 2012

photo gallery - felted nesting bowls and mushroom catch-alls.

I always want to start out every blog post with "I'm super excited", but that is because whenever I am sharing something I am super excited!!! I especially love the customer photos that are sent our way because I find them so inspiring and I love to see someone else's twist or interpretation.

With all of that said, I'm super excited to share with you some extremely sweet pictures of the Felted Nesting Bowls and the Felted Mushroom Catch-alls sent to us from Melanie of Bixi and Goxi.

Felted Nesting Bowls
Felted Nesting Bowls
Felted Mushroom Catch-all
Felted Mushroom Catch-all
Be sure to visit Melanie of Bixi and Goxi and to see how this creative mom of three little ones stays busy. Melanie's blog is in German but thanks to Google Translate we can inspire one another no matter what language we speak :)


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